- 北京是什么样的城市?食物怎么样?生活条件如何?
- 这次去北京的目的是什么?
- 到北京可以学到什么?
- 这次的北京之旅有什么好玩的?
你必须在一个博客条目(one blog entry) 中回答以下的问题:
1. 为什么你要去北京?Why do you want to go Beijing?
2. 你去北京可以学到的知识有哪些?What do you think you can learn in Beijing?
3. 你想多了解北京的什么方面?(例如,食物、建筑、交通、教育、风景、旅游景点)
What aspects of Beijing would you like to learn more about? (e.g food, architecture, transport, education, scenery, places of interest)
4. 如果你要向北京的朋友介绍新加坡,你会说什么?(例如,衣食住行、学校生活、家庭生活)If you were to introduce Singapore to friends in Beijing, what would you say? (e.g clothes, food, housing, way of life, school life, family life)
You can reply in words, drawings or even pictures. However, you must try to use Chinese as much as possible! Every student must write at least one blog entry.