Tuesday, November 16, 2010


北京和新加坡的天气很不同,在北京,天气很冷也很干燥。但,在新加坡,天气很热。天气冷时,我们也必须穿些厚的衣服。而在天,太阳下山的也很早。大概在5 点多,北京已经暗了。可是,在新加坡,这个时间还是亮的。在那些有四季的国家,它们的太阳都下山在不同的时间。在冬天,太阳下的比较快.而在秋天时,太阳下的比较晚。听说,在秋天时,天在8 点时还很亮呢!北京的冬天最冷的气温是在零下14度。而在冬天,住在那里的人,一定要把棉被给拿出来。薄的被就收起来。厚的衣服也同样拿出来。在冬天,皮肤会比较干燥。必须许要搽润肤液。确保皮肤有足够的水分。不然,皮肤就会很容易裂,很氧,很疼。

Personal Report
During this 8days of trip, I have learned lots of things from Beijing. On the very first day when we reach Beijing, we had our breakfast at a restaurant.After that we went to 故宫.Over there, it is very east to get lost. 故宫is a place where the past King and Queen live in. We went to sit a trishaw ride to go around the village and we reached to one of the villager's house. In the house, we ate our lunch there and at the same time, we learned how to make dumplings. In Beijing, dumplings are a type of food people would eat once every month. It can be also called as a "main dish". And on the 4th day, we went to a school. which is called 北京市第十八中学。We went there to observe their  attitude towards learning. And I spotted that they have very good self-disciplinary .They are very active in class. When the teacher is talking, they don't usually talk unless the teacher asks them to answer some question. And also when it came to answering question, they are like "fighting" to answer the question. Not like us. We don't even need to "fight" to answer the question. Most of the times we don't volunteer ourselves to answer the question. As such, teacher has to pick us out to answer the question.

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